Following a long discussion within the business, we have decided to increase our servicing prices. This decision hasn’t come lightly, but there have been several contributing factors that are out of our control. For example, wages rising due to the cost of living increasing, business costs increasing, and the prices of materials have reached a new high. We have adjusted what we can within the business to try and not reflect this in the prices you pay, but even with these adjustments we still need to increase our prices.
Our service price has been £50.00 + VAT for the past 10 years, so it is long overdue. Many industries and businesses increase their prices annually. We have tried our best to keep our prices low and feel we are still the cheapest in the Stroud area.
As of 1st April 2024, our servicing prices will be as follows:
Gas Appliance Service £60.00 + VAT
Gas Safety Check £65.00 + VAT
Additional Gas Appliance Service £40.00 + VAT
We appreciate your continued support and value your custom.